XXII Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law hosted XXII Forum of young legal historians (Forum of Young Legal Historians), which was held from 6 to 8 May. This prestigious annual scientific conference was organized by the Association of young legal historians (AYLH), an organization that brings together young scientists from around the world. XXII Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians was held in Belgrade under the title “History of Legal Sources: The Changing Structure of Law”. The Forum was devoted to the study of legal sources: their development, hierarchy and meaning in different social and historical contexts. Seven scientists from Serbia and more than sixty scientists from China, India, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Great Britain, Israel, Chile presented their paper.
The Organizing Committee of this year’s Forum consisted of Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization, an assistant professor of our faculty Andreja Katančević and teaching associate Milos Vukotić, with help our students Stefan Andonović, Kristina Radovanovic, Mina Kuzminac, Denis Ovčarević and Nikita Bojović. The General Assembly of the Association under the chairmanship of Dr Andreja Katancević has decided to hold a Forum in 2017 at the Federico II, University of Naples.