Uniform Sales Law Conference
In the period of 12-13 November 2010 the Uniform Sales Law Conference took place at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law.The Conference dealt with the important issues related to the scope of application of the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (CISG), formation of sales contracts, rights and obligations of the parties, remedies for breach of contract and interrelation of the CISG with other instruments of transnational law (INCOTERMS, UNIDROIT Principles, etc).
More than 20 renowned professors and over 200 participants – attorneys, judges, corporate lawyers and academics, including members of the CISG Advisory Council, took part at the Conference organized on the occasion of 30th anniversary of the CISG and in honor of late Al Kritzer, who has, as a long-term Executive Secretary of the Pace Institute of International Commercial Law, contributed immensely to uniform interpretation and application of the CISG throughout the world.
The Conference was organized in cooperation with GTZ Open Regional Fund, Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration attached to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Trade and Services, City of Belgrade and Tourist Organization of Belgrade.
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